27 October 2009

LOTF Project

I'm happy with the way our project turned out. I think Becka and I make a good team. We had a lot of fun with it, and I guess it got received well? So that's a plus ^_^. If I could change anything I probably would have us start working on it earlier, that way it would've been finished by the time I got sick.

I didn't really learn anything about Lord of the Flies that I didn't already know. I mean...it's not like we delved deeper into the text to pull out subtext and really put across what the characters were saying. We basically regurgitated a condensed version of the actual novel, using William Golding's actual text, set to original art that...well, didn't ALWAYS exactly reflect what was going on, but definitely mirrored how WE pictured it.

Did I learn anything about myself? ...er, no. I wouldn't exactly consider this a self-exploration type project XD. But all in all, yeah, I'm happy with the way it turned out. I only wish I could've helped present it...I can just imagine Becka getting up all by herself in front of class and talking...sorry Beck =/

Anyway...da da da. Fin.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dan Brown.
