Woohoo, I'm finally a senior. When I was younger, I couldn't wait for this year - senior privileges?! YES PLEASE. But now I'm here and it honestly just seems like more work than any other year. It's steadily getting more difficult to keep my head up in class. There's so much other stuff going on right now, what with applying to college, the Bayshore Theatre Company competition piece for November, and not to mention my audition pieces for scholarships through FTC (Florida Theater Conference) and college, that it almost seems like an unfair added hassle to keep up with schoolwork as well.
I guess through all the commotion, what keeps me going is my mental list of timelined goals that I've prepared for the year. At the moment, I really need to bring my math SAT score up. My writing and verbal scores are brilliant, but my math score is comically abysmal. Literally - I took the SAT in May and I scored a 430 on math. That's not even the school average - the SCHOOL AVERAGE, like for Bayshore High School alone. When you don't even meet the BHS school average...well...that's pretty sad, I'll just put it like that. I think the average on math is like 500? That's my goal for this next SAT. Which, actually, is right around the corner...Saturday, to be exact. Needless to say, I'm most definitely not looking forward to it.
And on top of that, I'm taking subject tests - general math and literature. I have no idea what to expect on the literature test. Is it going to quiz me based on actual literature that it assumes I've already read? Am I going to be sitting at MHS crying because I never read Canterbury Tales and the test wants to know what kind of classic plotline it is, what archetypes are used, and a detailed essay analysis of the protagonist's personality?
I've never felt less prepared for anything in my life.
Since I'm applying to school as a theater major, many schools - the ones with the more respectable programs, anyway - require an audition, or "artistic review." Artistic review is just a fancy way of saying "We're going to pick apart everything you've ever done that you think makes you worthy of our consideration."

I'm stoked.
Within a space of eight to nine days in November, I will perform Commedia Pinocchio
with my troop at Bayshore, fly to NYC for my Tisch audition, fly home, perform Commedia Pinocchio at competition with my troop, audition for scholarships. Once again...I'm stoked.

In actuality, I'm so terrified that I have nightmares about missing auditions, forgetting monologues, messing up cartwheels (because there are cartwheels in Commedia Pinocchio. HEY GUYS, Bayshore performance Nov. 7th+8th, COME SEE US!!!) on the EPIC Lakeland stage, missing deadlines.
I'm mostly looking forward for all of this crazyness to be over, and I'm desperately hoping it will all have been worth it when December rolls around and early decisions have been made. Of course, I'm also looking forward to graduation, blahbity blah, but in my mind, high school is already over and now it's free fall towards the next step.

This is a great comment.
Sweet I'll be a Senior in Three More Years Yay 2013
Boo freshman -_-'
You write well, and good luck!
Dan Brown.
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