24 November 2009

Gratitude/Thanksgiving/Holiday Season/Generic Blog

It's the holidays again, which means all my classes want me to write about what I'm thankful/grateful for, just like every holiday season since I could write. Of course, I'm thankful/grateful for the usual: my family, the fact that I'm alive, the opportunities I've been given, my friends, etc. I'm also thankful/grateful for my car. I'm thankful/grateful that I know the difference between they're, their and there; I'm thankful/grateful for PlayStation and Bandai Namco; I'm thankful/grateful that the movie industry is the only industry that the poor economy hasn't affected (because I plan on working in that industry); I'm extra thankful/grateful for my friends (even the ones who steal tattoo ideas from me [;D just kidding, if you read this <3]).>

I'd also like to take this moment to express my deepest gratitude towards the person who invented headphones. I love how you can listen to whatever you want anywhere you want at any time, but no one else HAS TO BE FORCED TO LISTEN TO IT TOO. So like, say you like a specific type of music that not many other people like - metal, techno, rap, whatever - but you like this music A LOT and you just want to listen to it without subjecting anyone else to it...HEADPHONES. How amazing. I mean...what a technological wonder. It's almost as breathtaking and advanced as immersive virtual reality technology.


BECK said...

Gangsta rap should be locked in 'phonez at all times.

e m i l y y said...


Anonymous said...

Those are awesome headphones, dude. I think all headphones should be required to have sounds locked in, the worst is when you can clearly make out the lyrics.

Anonymous said...

Dan Brown, again.

