Not only is the food disgusting, discolored, and oftentimes questionable, but the way they sell it to you makes no sense. As everyone knows, there are two lines - the outside line and the inside line. In the outside line you can get fries, pizza, bagels, pretzels, and a wide variety of drinks and chips. The inside line, however, is where all the real food is - the salads, burgers, and whatever the "main entree" or whatever is. They also have juice, chocolate milk, fruit and usually some sort of weird dessert. One time they had this really good chocolate pudding but I haven't seen it since that day.
The main thing that stands out that doesn't really make sense is the fact that you can't buy anything from outside on the inside, even though all the food comes from one centralized place and it'd be really easy to just toss over a bag of chips or a lemonade or whatever. The main issue I have with this is that on the inside they always have plain Sun Chips to go with lunch, and plain Sun Chips suck...a lot. But if I wanted anything else with inside lunch, say, a bag of Baked Doritos or Harvest Cheddar Sun Chips, I'd have to get lunch inside and then go wait in the outside line and pay an extra sixty cents. This seems silly to me. I don't care about paying the extra sixty cents really - I understand that the better tasting chips are probably more expensive and that's why they don't come with lunch in the first place. However, I can't help but wish that I could buy any kind of chips I wanted at the same time as I get my lunch. That gives me more time to eat and saves me 2 rounds of waiting in lines.
The other thing is, sometimes you don't even get boring nasty plain Sun Chips with lunch. For instance, today I got the weird pizza (WHICH, I asked the lunch lady what kind of pizza it was and she DIDN'T KNOW. She said it was either pepperoni, sausage or beef. What if she'd told me it was pepperoni and it was actually sausage and I was allergic to sausage? THAT IS A LAWSUIT WAITING TO HAPPEN) and I grabbed a bag of chips from the rack of chips right next to the place you get the pizza from. I didn't want the chips; Becka wanted the chips. I thought it'd make more sense for me to get the chips since they come with my lunch anyway. I get up to the cashier and she asks me if I want to pay extra for chips. Really? These chips don't come with pizza? Chips don't come with every single lunch? If I wanted this pizza, and I only had two dollars and fifteen cents--which is how much lunch is supposed to cost--I would only get to eat the pizza? The cashier replies in a motherly tone, "Well, you can get fruit, or juice, or some sherbet."
Well I don't want any of that. I want a bag of chips. I deserve a stupid bag of chips. Nowhere is it posted that chips don't come with pizza. "Chips with basket meals only." What the eff is a basket meal? There are no meals that come in baskets anywhere in the cafeteria. How am I supposed to gauge what comes with what, or is this common knowledge that I'm supposed to know? The lunch lady primly says that chips have NEVER come with pizza. I can't even remember the last time we had pizza. Who makes up these crazy rules? Does it have anything to do with money? I hear teachers talking about getting grants for stuff, I wish the lunch ladies would get grants for better food so that I can have a bag of plain, tasteless Sun Chips with my mystery-meat pizza.
Hi its Corey! can i eat lunch with you guys some day??? :-3 You guys are so cool. You can have my sun chips if you want.
It's actually all about the ~food system~. Pretty much you have to get a balanced diet for lunch. It's why when I get fries I also get ketchup, even though ketchup is grody. Getting pizza means you don't need a grain (the bread) or meat (whatever was on the pizza). Sun Chips are a grain, you had a grain, so they can charge you extra. Fruit would have been free since you did not have a fruit (like an apple or apple juice). You're totally right though, 'cept no one is gonna change anything until kids stop getting so fat!
This was your last blog ever! I am depressed now. :(
It's so true. And they never tell you what does and doesn't come with chips and all that other junk. It's ridiculous. And last year they always had baked doritos and cheddar sunchips.
Stephen King:
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