29 September 2009

тупое стихотворение слова

My wordle conquest. Hmhmhmhmhm, success >:D


Swanson said...

Fantastic! You have chosen some unique words that aptly describe. Jaunty, crusader, magical and tyrannical--perfect!

BECK said...

Mornin', cowpoke.

BECK said...

Oh my god. That was spectacular. The colors; the medieval-words... It blends together in a masterpiece work describing the trials and feats of the crusaders. I can feel their pain and fear out on the battlefield. Your imagery provides the readers with a brilliant vision of what a war is really like. I can almost hear the metallic ring of the swords as the collide, the deep, blunt rumbles of shields as they are struck hard. I can taste the blood in my mouth. Thank you... for providing us with the most beautiful and heart-wrenching work of art the modern world has to offer.

Anonymous said...

You did an "X" word! That makes me so unbelievably happy for a dumb reason. Your words are good, though, really fit you well.
