I know you're excited to be in high school. By now I would hope you have been comfortably assimilated, you have your schedule memorized, and you have made friends in all your classes to keep you company through all your academic endeavors. Or whatever.
I consider myself lucky because I feel like I did my freshman year right. Others that I know, however, do not feel the same way at all. In fact, I've heard my peers bemoaning their freshman year laziness. So here is my advice to you, newcomers.
1. The people you have in your classes now are most likely the people who will be in your classes for all four years, so make friends. There's almost nothing better than walking into your first class on the first day of a new year and seeing familiar and even friendly faces. Of course, you'll have plenty of opportunities to make new friends throughout your career, but get started early. You'll see.
2. Having said that, let me pull you back to reality: don't blow off your classes. There are seniors I know who are still recovering from a lackluster freshman year. You want to start off on a good foot. The work may be harder than you're used to, the deadlines sooner, the teachers more demanding, but it honestly is all in your best interest. The key to keeping up is balance: find a middle ground between studying all the time and socializing all the time. If you can do that, you'll build a foundation for a strong high school career that will carry you all the way to your senior year.
3. Speaking of your senior year...I know it seems like you have all the time in the world to worry about college, but in reality, you don't. Start planning now. Think about what interests you, look for colleges that will cater to these interests, look at what kind of things they require. The earlier you know where you want to go, the easier it will make everything, I promise. And as a sidenote, start your testing - ACTs and SATs - in your junior year. I'm cutting it so close with test scores right now, and I wish I had gotten it all out of the way last year.
Your end goal is to have as stress-free a senior year as possible, because it is the year that you're supposed to have fun and enjoy. But your freshman, sophomore, and junior years need to be spent making sure you CAN enjoy that last sprint to freedom and independence. You don't want to get this far and be missing credits, worrying about test scores, or still unsure about where you want to apply and what you want to do.
And that is my advice to you.
Great job. Great colors.
I like the rainbow font, but you wrote this very well. Hopefully your advice helps a freshman.
This is a very well-written post. The colors make it pop out and some great words were used. Great job.
I completely agree that people should start planning early for college. I wish I did and now I'm paying for it..
Also, I really like your vocabulary. It's really good.
The colors are cool, but it is pretty hard to read on some monitors.
Well to say this year i have met some cool, crazy, loud mouthed people. Which i can say i`m happy to have met because if it were not for them i could spend every day bored. I have been trying to be keep up with my work because i don`t want to have to repeat the 9th grade again. I also want to be in your spot ready to graduate in the coming year, because i want to get school over with as fast as possible for the fact that i hate school if it was up to me i would have dropped out already. No lie. But i do this for me.
I love your advice. I knew that you had to try and get a good start on your freshman year, but I never thought that senior year would be a year that will be so fun all the time. When I was in middle school, I didn't tend to care much about school. Everyone was careless, but now everyone in high school cares about grades and everything, so I am really excited to start my year off as a freshman with good grades. Because I know that I don't want to be a 21 year old girl and still be in my senior year.
Thaxs for the advice
Douglas Adams. Also, my kitchen smells like chicken. MMM GOOD.
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